A project of AQUA Pearls Foundation
By BWT – For You and Planet Blue


We can change the world sip by sip and we encourage you to actively support us in our mission.
Donate now!
b.water blue b.water blue

Sustain­able water systems


With any dona­tion you can make a differ­ence.

We invite you to invest together with us in b.water, a project of AQUA Pearls For You and Planet Blue*, deliv­ering sustain­able water systems to 10 villages in Gambia. An inno­v­a­tive busi­ness model to improve market access to clean water, reducing the cost of deliv­ering services and providing a small commer­cial return. b.water has been laying the ground­work for instal­la­tions in rural loca­tions to deliver sustain­able, account­able and maintable water systems. The growth and commer­cial success of b.water's programmes result in signif­i­cant social bene­fits for the evolving global water market serving low income commu­ni­ties. In order to help these commu­ni­ties we want to set up as many dispensers as possible. One dispenser costs approx­i­mately € 7000.

Sustainable water systems

With any donation you can make a difference.


Support b.water­MIS­SION, a project of AQUA PEARLS For You and Planet Blue Foun­da­tion. With this project, we have set ourselves the goal of building wells in mainly rural areas of Africa, thereby ensuring the access to clean drinking water. With b.water­MIS­SION, the basis for the sustain­able and reli­able imple­men­ta­tion is already set. Now it is our (joint) task to build as many taps as possible.

Our target:

Education: Water – our Elixir of Life – has a VALUE

Grant sustainable operation: via online monitoring & local maintenance

  • Over the next 7 years, build 10.000 b.waterMISSION taps in Gambia.
  • Provide the whole country with safe and clean drinking water.
  • Ensure that no one has to walk more than 150 meters to get to clean water – our elixir of life.
BWT and b.water in the Gambia BWT and b.water
“Before the tap was only open at 9am to 12pm and in the evening also 5-6pm. It was so difficult for us, honestly. It’s so perfect now, because anytime you need water you can get it, even at midnight.”
Asanatou Mballow, Female Villager, Jarreng

How it works

The b.waterMISSION tap is a pre-payment smart tap that ensures all revenue is tracked and accountable and transparently used by private organisations or governments to pay for maintenance of systems.

The b.waterMISSION tap is implemented with the technology of eWaterPay Limited, UK.

BWT and b.water
BWT and b.water in the Gambia

b.waterMISSION taps, mobile money and NFC technology

Water consumers can purchase b.waterMISSION credit via mobile money, which is then stored in the b.waterMISSION tag. Mobile money purchases can be sent to water taps via Amazon Web Services MQTT and arrives in minutes. Through remote pre-payment, government organisations, diaspora and international donors are able to purchase and send trackable water credits to taps at schools and health clinics. b.waterMISSION technology works in the most rural areas with poor data connectivity, using super low bandwidth mobile connections. In rural, offline locations NFC technology enables consumers to purchase credit directly on to their tag and still collect water from a tap.

b.water dispenser

Harnessing Internet of Things (IoT) and NFC tech­nology b.water dispensers allow for water to be collected with an b.water tag, deducting credit as water flows. This simple gesture records the trans­ac­tion, extracts a minimal payment and starts the water flowing. Revenue gener­ated from this simple tap-and-pay method is then used for sustain­able oper­a­tions and main­te­nance. All water usage and dispenser health data is collected through live moni­toring of the entire water system.

Live data monitoring and analytics

b.water dispensers commu­ni­cate seam­lessly with our unique cloud-based analytics soft­ware providing stake­holders and water oper­a­tors with real time data on their water system. b.waterPay soft­ware captures all trans­ac­tions on a private centralised local ledger for trans­parent finan­cial reporting. Our soft­ware enables customis­able usage reporting based on each water system and indi­vidual water dispensers.

Why b.water­MIS­SION?

With any donation you can make the difference.

b.waterMISSION is a project in Gambia to disrupt the existing model by supplying sustainable water.

According to the UN‘s institute for Water, Environment and Health, by 2030 the global demand for water is expected to grow by 50%.

Water that is fit for human consumption is a highly limited resource that is under pressure from mismanagement and environmental change, but it will need to support a global population expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050.

Benefits of clean water:

  • Improved overall health of vulnerable communities.
  • Reduction in the rate of girls not participating in education due to their role as water collectors.
  • Reduction in fatal waterborne diseases.

Benefits of a sustainable water system:

  • Less water wastage and accessibility 24/7.
  • Reduced time and distances currently endured by walking to remote water sources and queues.
  • Increased economy through creation of a water market.

Become a b.water­MIS­SION partner NOW!

Together we can make the differ­ence and change the world sip by sip.

Donate to AQUA Pearls – For You and Planet Blue

Donate to:
IBAN: AT76 3432 2000 0004 0261 | BIC: RZOOAT2L322

Build a b.water­MIS­SION tap with BWT:

  • 3.500€ financed by You
  • 3.500€ financed by BWT
  • BWT guar­an­tees the funding for every b.water­MIS­SION tap (incl. prefi­nancing)

Donate water for the local people:

  • With 5€ per year, one African can be supplied with safe and clean drinking water
BWT and b.water in the Gambia BWT and b.water


Donating one b.water­MIS­SION tap can serve up to 250 people, impacting their lives for the better.

You as a donator, have the oppor­tu­nity to:

  • Name and brand the b.water­MIS­SION tap.
  • Access a real-​time data dash­board to track water usage and sustain­ability metrics.
  • See the tap via a camera (data quality depending on the local infra­struc­ture).
  • Receive regular stories and images from the commu­ni­ties you have brought water to.
  • Visit the rural village you have donated to and meet the commu­nity.

About AQUA Pearls Foun­da­tion

* AQUA Pearls – For You and Planet Blue.
A private charitable, non-profit foundation by BWT.

The AQUA Pearls foun­da­tion supports, amongst others, the b.water­MIS­SION project, deliv­ering sustain­able water systems in Africa.


Date of Foun­da­tion: December 2016

Founder: BWT AG Accor­ding to the provi­sions of the Private Foun­da­tion Act.

Yearly audited by EY and confirmed with an audit report

Foun­da­tion’s purpose:

  • Impro­ving the access to clean drin­king water around the world
  • Figh­ting against poverty, partic­u­larly against the lack of clean drin­king water
  • Promo­ting sustain­ability, espe­cially the economic use of water resources
  • Protec­ting the envi­ron­ment, espe­cially the water cycles, and threat­ened species

Why donate to AQUA Pearls Foun­da­tion?

  • BWT doubles every Euro donated
  • 100% of all dona­tions are inve­sted in the projects
  • No admin­is­tra­tive expenses (these are all covered by BWT)
  • The dona­tions to the AQUA Pearls foun­da­tion are tax-​deductible in Austria
BWT Distance Award
BWT Distance Award

BWT Distance Award

Meter by meter - drop by drop - let's change the world together!

The BWT Distance Award counts all jumped meters of the current season’s individual ski-jumping competitions. We build 1 b.waterMISSION tap for every 18.000 meters jumped.

Kubacki Kubacki