Cleaning Swimming Pools & Spas

pool cleaning Technologies

BWT provides optimum quality water for swimming pools and spas. As a full-service provider, we also provide expertise and products for energy-efficient swimming pool systems.
Pool Pool

Swimming Pools & Spas

Pool Water

Clean Pools are our mission

BWT is a proven expert in the water treat­ment sector, and there­fore your perfect partner for the entire spec­trum of pool tech­nology. We plan and design water treat­ment processes and develop inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies to supply top quality swim­ming pool water. The combi­na­tion of the most advanced process tech­nology and quality BWT prod­ucts guar­an­tees that your guests and visi­tors can enjoy pris­tine, safe, crystal-​clear water.

For a clean pool

BWT Robotic pool cleaners make regular main­te­nance work on your pool much easier. These little helpers ensure optimal cleaning for clear water and immac­u­late surfaces.

For extra comfort, choose a model with an app connec­tion and conve­niently control the cleaning of your pool via a smart­phone or tablet. So nothing will stand in your way of having a beau­tiful and, above all, clean pool. 

Pool robot clean pool Pool robot clean pool

Commer­cial Pool Cleaners

Water quality is as important to us as it is to you. We’ve spent decades developing water purification technology that delivers the highest standard of clean water, while remaining affordable and respectful of the environment. As a result, you can trust that our robotic pool cleaners will leave your swimming pools spotless.
Magnum PVA Product image broadway engineering

BWT Energy Solu­tions

BWT Energy Solutions teaser image
BWT Energy Solutions teaser image
Rising energy prices and increas­ingly scarce resources require careful handling of our envi­ron­ment and new approaches to the pool sector. BWT is also committed to energy effi­ciency through its ‘Energy Solu­tions’. Customised energy solu­tions and state-​of-the-art prod­ucts ensure that your swim­ming pool and your entire home automa­tion systems func­tion effi­ciently.

Save money with BWT

Big improve­ments are often possible with minimal effort, whether in energy opti­mi­sa­tion, energy recovery or to modernise a treat­ment plant. The savings achieved not only help recoup the invest­ment, but also increase the value of your plant, and this BWT service helps you save money and protect the envi­ron­ment at the same time.


Image rights: © Hotel Stock, © Hotel Gmachl/Günter Standl