
Change the world. Sip by Sip.
Waterdrop Compliance Waterdrop
It is very impor­tant to BWT to do the right thing in our busi­ness

Our Code of Conduct

Under the slogan "For You and Planet Blue", we have consol­i­dated our measures to meet the growing market and compli­ance demands for sustain­able and respon­sible busi­ness.

"FOR YOU" comprises respon­si­bility for the employees and the social envi­ron­ment (customers, part­ners, state, as well as people who are in need of assis­tance). In this regard, the following key points are applic­able:

  • Corpo­rate culture: At BWT, sustain­able thinking is the basis for inno­va­tion and success.
  • BWT assumes respon­si­bility for society and for future gener­a­tions by complying with the basic rules, laws and stan­dards outlined in the Code of Conduct. As a result, BWT ensures the safety, hygiene and health of our employees and the whole social envi­ron­ment in the best possible way.

"AND PLANET BLUE" covers all of BWT's tasks and objec­tives to coun­teract the over­ex­ploita­tion of our "Mother Earth". Above all, a reduc­tion of our CO2 foot­print and the circular economy is being promoted.

We are confi­dent that compli­ance with the Code of Conduct will also give the "BWT" brand essen­tial values and we urge all members of the BWT Group to adhere to the provi­sions laid out in the Code of Conduct.

Together let's focus on integrity and compliance.

With your assis­tance, we can iden­tify and clarify griev­ances and miscon­duct at an early stage. Reli­able infor­ma­tion helps us to coun­teract viola­tions, at an early stage and to prevent harm to our company. The oppor­tu­nity to submit reports is avail­able to all BWT Group employees, as well as customers, suppliers and other third parties world­wide.

We trust in your integrity and thank you for your trust and coop­er­a­tion.

The primary prin­ciple guiding our whistle­blower system (BKMS® Inci­dent Reporting) is the protection of the whistle­blower. The functionality of the anonymity protection is certi­fied by an inde­pen­dent body.

In order to be able to fully inves­ti­gate tip-​offs, it is often neces­sary to ask the whistle­blower questions. For this reason, it is impor­tant that the whistle­blower disclose his or her iden­tity. However, we under­stand that there may be obsta­cles to providing infor­ma­tion and that whistle­blowers may prefer to remain anony­mous. The whistle­blower system there­fore also allows anony­mous tip-​offs.

Tip-​offs are kept anony­mous through encryp­tion and other special secu­rity routines.

Certi­fied secu­rity for your data

Busi­ness Keeper GmbH
Bayreuther Straße 35
DE-​10789 Berlin​​

What happens after my report?

In order to be able to guar­antee an objec­tive initial assess­ment of all tips, they are first forwarded directly to our external lawyer of confi­dence. He is profes­sion­ally bound to secrecy and will main­tain the anonymity of the whistle­blower - also towards BWT.

After a report, you can set up a protected mailbox in our system to which only you have access. You can use this mailbox to commu­ni­cate with our external lawyer - anony­mously if you wish. The lawyer will carry out an initial check. Once the check has been completed, he or she forwards the infor­ma­tion and the results to the BWT Compli­ance Team.

The protected mailbox also allows you to commu­ni­cate with our BWT Compli­ance Team.

The BWT Compli­ance Team


External Lawyer

IPB Recht­sanwälte
Eberhard-Fugger-Str. 5
A-5020 Salzburg

What are the conse­quences when viola­tions are found?

Every affected party is treated fairly and with respect when viola­tions are inves­ti­gated. This also means that all such matters are handled with the strictest confi­den­tiality.
If you have further ques­tions about the BWT whistle­blower system, please contact our Compli­ance Team at If you have further ques­tions about the BWT whistle­blower system, please contact our Compli­ance Team at compli­[email protected].


The protec­tion and secu­rity of the personal data of customers, suppliers, busi­ness part­ners and employees in accor­dance with the Europe-​​wide require­ments of the General Data Protec­tion Regu­la­tion (GDPR) are of partic­ular concern to us. If you have any ques­tions in this regard, please read our data protec­tion regu­la­tions or contact us at daten­[email protected]