Sustainability is part of our DNA

BWT is one of the world's "50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders"

Climate leader
Climate leader

At BWT, sustain­ability is an inte­gral part of BWT's corpo­rate strategy and the entire product port­folio. Currently, there are three main pillars that define BWT's sustain­ability activ­i­ties

  • Change the world sip by sip with BWT Bottle Free Zones 
  • With our activ­i­ties in the field of fuel cell membranes (link to the info fuel cell) BWT makes a signif­i­cant contri­bu­tion to the decar­boniza­tion of our planet
  • With our CSR activ­i­ties as part of the Aqua Pearls - For You and Planet Blue Foun­da­tion, we want to share our success with those who are not doing so well.


We were all very pleased when the world's leading busi­ness and finan­cial network Bloomberg selected our group for a campaign. "50 Sustain­ability & Climate Leaders" is the name of the initia­tive, which was launched in coop­er­a­tion with the United Nations. With the help of docu­men­taries, the project presents only compa­nies that are committed to sustain­ability and combat the effects of the climate crisis and are among the leading orga­ni­za­tions and pioneers of the future move­ment.

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