Bottle Free Chal­lenge
Terms and Condi­tions

bottle free challenge terms and conditions
bottle free challenge terms and conditions


  • BWT, refers to BWT UK Limited
  • Dispenser, refers to the AQA20PRO CAS made avail­able rent free as part of this promo­tion
  • Inter­ested parties, refers to BWT UK Limited and any busi­ness or person offered a AQA20PRO CAS as part of this promo­tion
  • Rent Free, no charge will be made for the rental of the unit for the dura­tion of the promo­tional period agreed

These terms and condi­tions should be read in conjunc­tion with any promo­tional mate­rial rele­vant to the BWT UK Bottle Free Chal­lenge.

  • The promo­tion: Busi­nesses are invited to make a busi­ness case for the place­ment of an AQA20PRO CAS Coun­tertop water dispenser (Rent Free) in a high visi­bility loca­tion, for example their coffee shop counter.
  • An AQA20PRO will be made avail­able to up to 10 entrants, who in the opinion of the Sales Director makes the best case to have one on their premises. BWT will cover the cost of the unit and instal­la­tion kit, the unit will be provided free of charge for a period to be agreed by the inter­ested parties.
  • The title and respon­si­bility of dispenser remains with BWT.
  • Instal­la­tion is not included but stan­dard Instal­la­tion is avail­able at a subsidised cost of £80.
  • The unit must be used with a BWT approved filter cartridge avail­able from us.
  • Recip­i­ents of the dispenser will need to cover the cost of keeping the unit clean and hygienic by agreeing to Industry stan­dard routine service agree­ment.
  • Lost or damaged units will be charge­able.
  • BWT retain the right to use the Bottle Free Zone, Magne­sium Miner­al­ized Water and AQUA Pearls Foun­da­tion messaging to promote the concept.
  • All entrants should ensure that they are eligible to take part under their own company’s compli­ance policy.
  • Dispensers are limited to one per company.
  • The avail­ability of a dispenser is limited to bonafide compa­nies and busi­nesses.
  • Dispensers once installed should not be moved or removed without the prior permis­sion in writing from BWT.
  • BWT will endeavour to notify lucky recip­i­ents within 14 days of a claim being made using the contact details provided.
  • It is the entrant’s respon­si­bility to ensure their contact details are correct.
  • BWT retain the right to with­draw the offer at any time.
  • The judges’ deci­sion is final, and no further corre­spon­dence will be entered into.
  • Minimum age of entry 18 years.
  • There are no cash alter­na­tives to the dispenser or any asso­ci­ated services.
  • BWT staff, family and their friends are excluded from any BWT promo­tion/offer unless expressly stated other­wise.

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