Case Studies

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BWT Commercial

BWT working to deliver customer satis­fac­tion by working together

Owing to its natural compo­si­tion, water that comes directly from the tap can often only be used in a small number of cases for commer­cial appli­ca­tions without further treat­ment. In commer­cial and indus­trial organ­i­sa­tions the bar is constantly being raised with respect to the quality of water required to meet increasing health stan­dards and protec­tion afforded to specialist and deli­cate equip­ment.

The quality stan­dards for the water used can be extremely vari­able, depending on the appli­ca­tion requiring modern water treat­ment solu­tions to be flex­ible, reli­able, cost effec­tive and sustain­able. Stan­dards in many of our key market sements are partic­u­larly high including those in labo­ra­to­ries, the phar­ma­ceu­tical industry, optical processes and the food and drinks sector.

BWT has spent 30 years designing, building and supplying successful water treat­ment systems for commer­cial and indus­trial compa­nies, communal facil­i­ties (such as water treat­ment plants) and hospi­tals around the world. System based solu­tions often rely on a comm­bi­na­tion of off the shelf prod­ucts, bespoke elements engi­neered to meet the needs of indi­vidual customers, and the wealth of BWT’s knowl­edge.

Here you can find a selec­tion of case studies from a variety of industry part­ners working with BWT. BWT is committed to supplying not only the Best Water Treat­ment prod­ucts but we are also committed to providing the best possible after sales service. All our staff are trained to a high stan­dard and can provide you with the neces­sary infor­ma­tion and advice to make the right choice for your own water treat­ment needs .

Each indi­vidual study focuses on the impor­tant work carried out by our teams, with detailed refer­ences to commer­cial prod­ucts. From our soft­eners to filtra­tion, the case studies delve into BWT’s compre­hen­sive range of prod­ucts. The studies also explore how our prod­ucts use a mixture of tradi­tional and modern mate­rials and state of the art tech­nology to provide water treat­ment solu­tions suit­able for a wide range of appli­ca­tions. Including, the protec­tion of plant and equip­ment and the overall improve­ment of drinking water quality.

BWT works hard to ensure that rela­tion­ships between the company and client are built through trust and an under­standing of our customers’ needs and wants. We take pride in our work to help build a strong and long lasting part­ner­ships.

Aspire Defence

MOD and Aspire will manage and deliver modern, flex­ible accom­mo­da­tion for soldiers in the Alder­shot and Salis­bury Plain area that will support the Army, provide the best possible envi­ron­ments for soldiers to live, work and train, and deliver long-​term value for the MOD and Aspire.
Aspire Defense Case Study
Aspire Defence Logo

Trinity Heat Care

Commer­cial premises take many forms and Care Homes in partic­ular are recog­nising the impor­tance of selecting the right main­te­nance partner to ensure they run smoothly, that any repairs are carried out quickly and prod­ucts not only repre­sent value for money but also more impor­tantly, do the job they are intended for.
Trinity Heat Care Case Study
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