In these condi­tions:- “the Company” shall mean BWT UK Limited: “User” shall mean the person, firm or Company who visits and uses the Company website

“Goods” shall mean any item, service or parts, featured on the website:


1.1 The Company website and its contents are protected under copy­right laws. You may only use the mate­rial contained on the website for your own personal and non-commercial use. The use of mate­rials, trade­marks and other intel­lec­tual prop­erty contained within the website is forbidden without the express permis­sion of the Company in writing. We reserve the right to claim further damages.

1.2 By using the website you agree not to inten­tion­ally misuse it.

1.3 The Company website may make use of cookies these are small files that make it easier to use the website. Unless it is neces­sary these files will not be used to retain any personal infor­ma­tion. Cookies are accepted by most web browsers auto­mat­i­cally but the func­tion can normally be disabled in the browser’s settings if the User prefers

1.4 The website may contain links to external websites unre­lated to the Company in these cases the Company is not respon­sible for the content or prac­tices of these websites.

1.5 The Company regu­larly inspects its discus­sion forums, used on this and or its other web sites for misuse without oblig­a­tion. The Company reserves the right to bar Users who use the forums inap­pro­pri­ately regard­less of whether that use is illegal, crim­inal or offen­sive and will remove such content without consul­ta­tion.

1.6 The infor­ma­tion on the Company website has been care­fully compiled but the Company gives no guar­antee that the infor­ma­tion is up to-date, complete or suit­able for specific purposes. The Company reserves the rights to alter the spec­i­fi­ca­tion of the Goods to take account of the improve­ments in design, avail­ability of mate­rials or for any other reason. All draw­ings and illus­tra­tions contained within the website are approx­i­mate only and shall not form part of any Order unless expressly agreed in writing by the Company.

1.7 All weights, measure­ments, powers, capac­i­ties and other partic­u­lars of Goods quoted by the Company are stated in good faith as being approx­i­mately correct and the Company shall not be liable for any devi­a­tions from them.


2.1 Notwith­standing any other provi­sion hereof to the contrary: a. neither party hereto shall be liable to the other whether in contract, tort (including negli­gence), or howso­ever, for any conse­quen­tial or economic loss, including but not limited to loss of any profit, loss of any order or contract, non-operation or increase in expense of oper­a­tion: and b. save in the case of death or personal injury caused by the Company’s negli­gence or default, the Company’s total aggre­gate liability for the Customer under or in respect of the Order whether such liability shall arise in contract, tort (including negli­gence) or howso­ever, shall be limited to the value of the Goods or services supplied.

2.2 If the Customer uses or treats the Goods in such a manner as to infringe any patent rights, design rights, trade marks or copy­right, the Company shall not be respon­sible for such infringe­ment and the Customer agrees to indem­nify the Company from and against all liability arising there from.

2.3 The Company retains the right to refuse any order that is subject to an error on its website and will in these circum­stances reim­burse the Customer in full.


3.1 The Company reserve the right to inves­ti­gate any enquiry that it suspects may be fraud­u­lent, and will delay any response until it is satis­fied that the enquiry is bona fide.

3.2 If the Company is unable to contact the User or prove that the enquiry is bona fide then the Company may elect not to reply to such an enquiry.

3.3 For your protec­tion and to ensure your debit/credit card is not used fraud­u­lently during on-line purchases the Company or it agents will vali­date your details, you are advised to read the Company’s terms and condi­tions of sale before completing any trans­ac­tion.


4.1 In case of any conflict between the provi­sions of any Special Condi­tions, these terms and condi­tions and any other docu­ments or commu­ni­ca­tion, the following order of pref­er­ence shall apply first the Special Condi­tions, secondly the condi­tions of sale, thirdly these terms and condi­tions fourthly any other docu­ments or commu­ni­ca­tions.


5.1 All infor­ma­tion provided by the customer will be treated securely and in strict accor­dance with the data protect act 1998.


6.1 Each under­taking in these terms and condi­tions shall be consid­ered as a sepa­rate under­taking and if one or more of the under­tak­ings contained in these terms and condi­tions is found to be unen­force­able or in any way an unrea­son­able restraint of trade, the remaining under­taking shall continue to bind the parties.


7.1 The copy­right subsisting or which subse­quently subsists in all docu­ments, draw­ings, spec­i­fi­ca­tions, designs, programs or any other mate­rial prepared by the Company whether read­able by humans or by machines shall belong to the Company absolutely and they shall not be repro­duced or disclosed or used in their orig­inal or trans­lated form by the Customer without the Company’s written consent for any purpose other than for which they were intended.

7.2 The Company is the owner of all the trade­marks used on its websites unless expressly stated other­wise. Third parties are not permitted to use any of these marks without the express permis­sion of the Company in writing.


8.1 This Order shall be governed by and construed in accor­dance with English Law and shall be subject to the exclu­sive juris­dic­tion of the English Courts.

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