BWT Water for Injection (WFI) for Pharma & Biotech


You come into contact with BWT Purified Water many times a day in beauty products, care products or medicines. Absolute purity and safety come first.

BWT Water for Injec­tion (WFI)

Improving life

Essential for humans

Water is the elixir of life par excel­lence. Technically ​speaking, naturally-​occurring drinking water is not usually “pure”, which is just as well, because humans need their drinking water to contain soluble minerals and calcium. Puri­fied water, however, is puri­fied specif­i­cally to minimise the pres­ence of extra­neous substances and is there­fore not drink­able. Numerous bene­fits we enjoy in our daily life would not be possible without puri­fied water, and we are gener­ally unaware that puri­fied water is a major constituent of the many skin­care prod­ucts we use every day. In the phar­ma­ceu­tical industry, water for the manu­fac­ture of medi­c­inal prod­ucts or injec­tion is only permitted at the highest quality, as “Water for Injec­tion” (WFI). BWT Water for Injec­tion guar­an­tees consis­tently safe water wher­ever the highest stan­dard of purity is required.

BWT Water for Injec­tion (WFI) for
medi­c­inal prod­ucts and health­care

Purified water in vials
Purified water in vials

The pharma and biotech indus­tries use puri­fied water as a constituent in medi­cines and other health­care prod­ucts, and to clean systems and pack­aging. Sophis­ti­cated processes are essen­tial for producing the water qual­i­ties required, and BWT is one of the world’s leading suppliers. You would be surprised by the number of different prod­ucts that involve the use of BWT water.

Puri­fied water of the highest phar­ma­ceu­tical quality is required for inoc­u­la­tions and infu­sions, and this is where BWT water for injec­tion (WFI) is impor­tant, as it ensures top-​quality, safe prod­ucts wher­ever water for injec­tions (WFI) is required.

Purified water in the cosmetics industry

Creme being produced using purified water
Creme being produced using purified water

“Aqua” – constituent no. 1 – a sure guar­antee of puri­fied water

Many consumers auto­mat­i­cally look at a product’s ingre­di­ents and will often find “aqua” at the top of the list. This indi­cates that the product does not contain just any water quality, but ultra­pure or “puri­fied water”.

When our eyes itch we can, of course, resort to eye drops, which are based on aqua. If normal tap water were used, extra­neous substances or germs would enter the respec­tive end product. This could quite quickly lead to health and beauty prod­ucts becoming breeding grounds for pathogens.

BWT puri­fied water and WFI is involved in so many aspects of our daily lives, for example cosmetics and body care prod­ucts, from shampoo to shower gel. However, WFI-​quality BWT water is also used in medi­cines or other health­care prod­ucts.

Woman using eyedrops
Woman using eyedrops

Storage, monitoring and distribution of purified water and WFI

Products made with purified water
Products made with purified water

Ultra­pure water is often required in high quan­ti­ties. However, lengthy trans­port times would compro­mise the water quality, and trans­porting such large volumes might not make finan­cial or ecolog­ical sense. The solu­tion, depending on local water quality and purpose, is to use a range of BWT tech­nolo­gies to upgrade the water that is already avail­able on site  ̶  from the mains, a source, a well or a body of water  ̶  to the quality of puri­fied water or water for injec­tion (WFI).

It is crucial to ensure and main­tain the high quality of puri­fied water during storage and distri­b­u­tion. It should contain no micro­bi­o­log­ical cont­a­m­i­nants that compro­mise water quality. BWT ensures that its prod­ucts are of the highest stan­dards to safe­guard patients, customers and manu­fac­turers.

More safety at every step of the process

BWT systems can be used for safe storage of puri­fied water/WFI. A small portion of ultra­pure water is converted into ozone by elec­trol­ysis, and the water is then consid­ered “sani­tised” and there­fore able to perma­nently inhibit bacte­rial growth in the tank. The ozone is broken down again using a special UV tech­nology, before the water reaches the consumer. As a result, the distri­b­u­tion of the puri­fied water is controlled, compli­ant with the rele­vant puri­fied water or WFI quality moni­tored and the entire system regu­larly sani­tised with ozone.

BWT technician explaining water purifier
BWT technician explaining water purifier

Long-​term, durable, reli­able – and all from a single source

BWT’s ultra­pure water systems ensure a consis­tently high quality of puri­fied water/WFI, maximum oper­a­tional effi­ciency with no unwanted stop­pages or disrup­tions, and a long service life.

Long-​term plan­ning is essen­tial where manu­fac­turing compa­nies’ invest­ment deci­sions are concerned, and this is why they depend on BWT’s tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts to consis­tently deliver the highest stan­dards of puri­fied water and WFI over the long term. Regular servicing ensures the safety, avail­ability and value of BWT ultra­pure water and WFI systems, avoiding costly repairs and expen­sive break­downs. It pays to invest in BWT systems.


The BWT OSMOTRON WFI produces the highest standard of water for injection as required by the pharma sector, using cold, membrane-based WFI generation.

The BWT OSMOTRON WFI uses three membrane barriers to ensure three levels of safety and top quality, resulting in safe, clean BWT Water for Injection (WFI).

BWT Osmotron water purifier broadway engineering

Loopo WFI

The BWT LOOPO WFI ensures that BWT Water for Injection (WFI) is securely stored and distributed. Its compact system provides safe, long-term cold storage.

The BWT LOOPO WFI uses ozone for continuous sanitisation of the water in the WFI storage tank. The water may be periodically sanitised with ozone or sterilised with superheated water up to the point of use.

BWT water purifier broadway engineering

Application fields of Purified Water and BWT Water for Injection (WFI)

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