Case Study
Aspire Defence Aspire Defence


case study

BWT uses product exper­tise and customer expe­ri­ence to help deliver a person­alised service.

Evolving prod­ucts, tech­nical support and logis­tical exper­tise form the corner­stone of a special rela­tion­ship between Aspire Defence Capital Works (ADCW), Aspire Defence Services Limited (ADSL) and Best Water Tech­nology (BWT).

How the part­ner­ship began

The part­ner­ship between ADCW and BWT orig­i­nally formed in 2004. ADCW were actively searching for specialist part­ners to collab­o­rate with on Project Allenby and Connaught (PAC) a contract they had recently secured from the MoD. The project entailed a building programme across six garrisons to provide the neces­sary living and working infra­struc­ture for Service Personnel.

ADCW selected BWT to be their supply chain partner for water treat­ment prod­ucts. The main selec­tion criteria for the project were the wide range and reli­a­bility of BWT prod­ucts, plus the tech­nical support avail­able to their design teams and the Facil­i­ties Manage­ment side of the busi­ness.

In 2015, there was a vari­a­tion to the PAC contract with the addi­tion of the Army Basing Programme. BWT was successful in contin­uing their part­ner­ship with ADCW and were able to offer a range of water treat­ment solu­tions.

Product Exper­tise from BWT

In the initial stages of the project, BWT supplied water condi­tioning systems to the accom­mo­da­tion blocks and base exchange water soft­eners to the dish­washers in the Messes, throughout the Garrisons. As the Army Basing Programme came into effect, whilst working with the design team, BWT were spec­i­fied to also supply BWT water and more bestmax filters to help protect catering equip­ment from the effects of Limescale.

This equip­ment included Pres­sure Steamers, Water Boilers, Bulk Brewer, Espresso Machines, Vending Machines and Ice Machines and once the filter equip­ment was installed, ADSL took on the respon­si­bility to change the filter cartridge, as required.

BWT personnel worked together closely with ADSL, to provide training and setting up an account so that replace­ment filters could be easily ordered, and any used cartridges were then collected by BWT for recy­cling.

Past customer expe­ri­ence helps cement present working rela­tion­ship

BWT prides itself on providing a person­alised, ‘better than best’ service. This means having an open mind, being flex­ible, util­ising past expe­ri­ences and having a can-do atti­tude to over­come any diffi­cul­ties and prevent future prob­lems from occur­ring.

In this case, when BWT carried out a number of site visits to each of the Messes (to ensure every­thing was working effi­ciently), they came across a poten­tial situ­a­tion where they could offer their service. It was evident that there was a range of Calcium Treat­ment Unit filters fitted to other catering equip­ment within each Mess, which when exhausted needed to be exchanged for a replace­ment cylinder and the exhausted cylinder needed to be sent away for the resin to be recharged which involved using chem­i­cals. BWT was able to iden­tify and offer a complete solu­tion where they no longer needed to get a company to exchange the filters; they could just replace and have the old ones recy­cled safely.

BWT was also able to offer ADSL a time saving option where BWT engi­neers provided a monthly visit to each site where water quality checks were performed, and the filters were replaced when the water meter gave an indi­ca­tion the filters required changing. BWT’s ability to offer a person­alised service, led to them securing a service contract to provide six monthly visits to check the oper­a­tion of the water condi­tioners and water soft­eners previ­ously supplied to Larkhill and Warmin­ster. BWT were also given the oppor­tu­nity to spread aware­ness of the services they can offer, at the other Garrisons.

Working towards a brighter future

Following on from the success of the last project, BWT and ADSL are contin­uing their part­ner­ship after BWT took the oppor­tu­nity to provide water coolers and bottles of water from their bottling plant in Swindon. By util­ising the same engi­neers who do the monthly water checks, they were able to offer Aspire a complete package. Since their conver­sa­tions with the procure­ment team, 62 water dispensers have been installed.

A good service not only reflects on a supplier (BWT) but on the customer (ADSL) too. Working with your customer to ensure that there is a smooth oper­ating system is part of being a trust­worthy supplier. Going the extra mile for your customer (ADSL) not only builds a posi­tive part­ner­ship but also reflects the dedi­ca­tion and passion of the busi­ness and its staff. BWT provided a service tailored to the needs of the ADSL and by working along­side them, they ensured that they received the best possible service. BWT and ADSL are looking forward to a brighter future together.

For more details on this and other case studies please contact our customer services team on 01494 838117 during office hours or email us at [email protected] or alter­na­tively visit us online anytime at

BWT uses Aqa Total and exceeds expectations

BWT UK was asked by Aspire Defence to resolve the issue of having to de-scale a hot water system on a quarterly basis in a diner in an Army camp that it maintains under the MOD’s Project Allenby/Connaught.

The hot water system uses two direct fired Andrew water heaters MAXXflo 60/300 installed on an unvented hot water system fed by a cold water booster set to provide hot water to the kitchen areas. The hot water heaters are installed on a hard water mains system of approximately 360ppm hardness. Every three months, because of the high hardness levels in the mains water, the water heaters needed a full de-scale. This high hardness level also caused reliability problems with the boilers as the scale build-up reduced the heat transfer and the de-scale introduced down time for the units.

In September 2012 BWT UK offered Aspire Defence its patented technology of an AQA Total. This unit uses nano water technology to change the water characteristics and stop the hardness forming in the heat exchangers as scale, protecting the water boilers and ensuring that they run at their correct efficiencies.

An AQA Total 8400 was installed and a trial period of three months was set to see whether AQA Total could cope with the taxing conditions that the diner’s installation demanded.

Heat differential readings were taken by the manufacturer on the newly de-scaled boilers and the AQA Total was commissioned. Between Oct and Dec 2012 readings were again taken on a monthly basis by the water heater manufacturers and BWT, as well as water usage readings for the system. These readings showed that no efficiency had been lost and so no scale had formed in the boilers, and for the first time since the boilers were installed there was no need for a quarterly de-scale. In the three month trial period over 357m3 of water had been used, that is a potential 129 Kilos of hard water scale that did not build up!

Aspire Defence’s Estates Technical Director was impressed stating, “The AQA Total unit has performed beyond our expectations on a very problematic site, keeping the boilers scale free; another plus is that since fitting the AQA Total, there have been zero breakdowns on the water heaters”.

Aspire Defence’s Interface Manager added, “With continued performance like this, the AQA Total will be an effective scale prevention device to add to all our hot water installations”.

For More details on this and other case studies please contact our customer services team On 01494 838117 during office hours or email us at [email protected] alternatively visit us online anytime at

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