Convenient, cost effective and environmentally friendly, our plumbed in dispensers are connected directly onto your mains water supply. A correctly sized plumbed in water cooler will provide you with a continious supply of fresh filtered water without the need to remember to order or store large bottles of water.
An ideal option for high water users and those customers with little storage space, you can experience unlimited chilled and hot water for a fixed price, plus our experienced technicians will install your mains fed cooler for you. Plumbed in coolers must be installed near a potable water supply, so close to a kitchen or refreshment point is ideal.
Water is more than just a refreshing drink and provides a vital source of minerals such as calcium and magnesium and so is important to our health. BWT Magnesium Mineralized Water is ideal for topping up on some of those vital ingredients such as Magnesium.
A well-balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities, at home, work and play. By balancing the amount of magnesium into this diet, you can help* your body because Magnesium contributes to:
*List of permitted health claims established in the Official Journal of the European Union. COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 432/2012 of 16 May 2012