Best Optimised Water for Profes­sionals

Water is an elixir of life that plays an impor­tant part in our daily lives. The quality of water however is partic­u­larly impor­tant in hotels and gastronomy where customers are looking for the best expe­ri­ence, great enjoy­ment, and good well-​being. Infact, high-​quality water is essen­tial in making fine wines as it brings out the best flavours and tastes. The best water from BWT provide you with the unique taste expe­ri­ence of miner­al­ized water as well as the silky-​soft feeling of water on your skin. Water is a key element in hotel industry and with the help of BWT prod­ucts you can deliver the best water to your customers.

Our Areas of Applications

Best Water Hotel

More Comfort, Well-​being, and Sustain­ability.

The Best water hotels are inte­grated with water opti­mi­sa­tion, thanks to BWT. Sustain­ability is at the heart of the best water hotels, which opti­mise local water in the most respon­sible way. BWT helps them in trans­forming local tap water into magne­sium miner­al­ized water perfect for drinking or preparing exquisite meals and silky-​​soft luxury water for pools, spas, and showers. It enhances the overall customer expe­ri­ence and is not only ideal for people who are looking for a luxury indul­gence, but it is also good for the envi­ron­ment. 

Best Water Hotel
hotel pool

Best Water Restau­rant

Better Taste, More Enjoy­ment, and Sustain­ability.

Best water restau­rants focus on excel­lent taste for the ulti­mate dining and food expe­ri­ence. Together with inno­v­a­tive BWT solu­tions, you can opti­mise your local tap water for the enhanced taste and flavour of your drinking water. A great way to expe­ri­ence the best drinking water, avoiding the use of single-​use plastic and avoiding long trans­port routes for carrying water bottles. Ideal for hotels focusing on deliv­ering first-​class dining quality to their customers. Also good for the envi­ron­ment, with less plastic waste and lower CO2 emis­sions.   

Best Water Restaurant
Best water restaurant

Best Water Winery

Better Quality, More Saving Poten­tial, and Sustain­ability. 

High-​quality water is crit­ical when making top-​class wines. In wine produc­tion, not only the best drinking water is impor­tant, but the required use of fresh water is equally crit­ical. The inno­v­a­tive BWT solu­tions for wine­growers ensure top quality in all areas. Water treat­ment with BWT means keeping drinking water systems hygien­i­cally clean. Less use of spray and cleaning agents. Increased dura­bility of fittings, devices, and pipes. Good for the wine­maker for whom value for money is impor­tant as well as deliv­ering a top-​quality wine for the consumers. 

Best Water Winery
Best water winery

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