Hotels & Hospitality

Best Water Technology

If the water is right, the result will be right - for coffee, tea, bread, bakery products and for gleaming crockery.

Hotels & Hospitality

perfect water

Not all water is the same

Water is also a central element in the hospi­tality and hotel industry, as guests will come into contact with water with every sip and every bite. Coffee and tea produce a full aroma with the correct water, and steam makes bakery prod­ucts crusty, fragrant and deli­cious. As the saying goes, espe­cially in the kitchen: if the water is right, the result will be right. Bread is crusty on the outside, vegeta­bles retain their vita­mins and an appetising colour, roasted meats delight the palate with a succu­lent centre, crisp finish and the nostrils with a fine roast aroma. And after eating, top quality water ensures that crockery, glass­ware and cutlery come out of the dish­washer spot­lessly clean. BWT treats your water on site in different ways, depending on the specific appli­ca­tion and water quality.

Water Optimisation for Coffee and Tea

Two fresh cups of coffee
Two fresh cups of coffee

If an infe­rior espresso offends the palate of a guest after a fine meal, this could make the entire expe­ri­ence a disap­point­ment for the connois­seur. From the coffee shop to gourmet restau­rant, the rule of thumb is that you need fine-​tasting prod­ucts of the highest quality to impress the guests’ palate, and water from BWT helps to achieve this.

Perfect water makes the best coffee

Water is a basic constituent in the demanding hospi­tality sector. Top quality water is the basis of the most refined bever­ages, e.g. to obtain the best flavour of a selected Sencha green tea, for an aromatic mocha made with coffee from the Ethiopian High­lands or for an elegant espresso prepared with Mexico Mara­gogipe beans. This is precisely what the filter cartridges from BWT can provide; exactly the right water for use in profes­sional coffee machines.


BWT bestmax PREMIUM, an inno­v­a­tive filtra­tion system for use in the hospi­tality sector, opti­mises water straight from the tap. Any extra­neous constituents, including calcium, parti­cles and taste-​impairing substances like chlo­rine, are removed from the tap water.

The filter cartridge with its Magne­sium Miner­al­izer tech­nology enriches the drinking water with precious magne­sium to create perfect-​tasting hot drinks.
bestmax premium bestmax premium

BWT bestaqua ROC Coffee System

BWT bestaqua ROC Coffee (Reverse Osmosis Compact) is an exceptionally compact reverse osmosis system with integrated BWT magnesium technology for mineralisation, making it ideal for producing coffee and all hot drinks. All filter cartridges used here can be replaced extremely easily, quickly and safely without the need for tools. BWT bestaqua ROC Coffee systems are robust and have a long service life. They are extremely reliable and require little maintenance.
BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC-Coffee BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC-Coffee

Water Optimisation in the Vending Business

Coffee machine
Coffee machine

Vending success depends on water quality

Modern coffee vending machines are every­where today, and have attained a quality level that brings out the char­acter and variety of flavours of specialty coffees to perfec­tion. The quality of dispensed bever­ages has risen dramat­i­cally, with a marked improve­ment in vending machine perfor­mance, and demand has also increased in terms of water quality, a crucial element in perfect coffee enjoy­ment. If you want to improve the high quality of your vending prod­ucts, you need the best water, BWT are recognised specialists in delivering the right water, regard­less of on-​site condi­tions.

The right product for every water require­ment

We can satisfy the specific needs of the vending busi­ness with a broad range of prod­ucts. BWT’s water opti­mi­sa­tion not only ensures the sensory quality of vending prod­ucts, but also provides a guar­antee of reli­able limescale protec­tion and maximum oper­a­tional safety.

BWT bestmax

BWT bestmax is an all-round filtration solution developed for the diverse requirements of the hospitality sector. It is used for coffee machines, vending machines and for pure steam in ovens and combi steamers.

The outcome is hot and cold drinks, foods and bakery products of a consistently high quality.

bestmax all bestmax all

Water Optimisation for Combi Steamers and Ovens

Top quality water in the hospitality sector produces light bakery products with a crispy crust, vegetables that retain their appetising colour and precious vitamins and minerals, and roasted meats with a succulent centre and delicate aroma.

Bread dough being kneaded
Bread dough being kneaded
Top quality water ensures the perfect enjoyment of foods cooked in combi steamers and ovens, such as a fragrant loaf of bread, tender, succulent roast beef or a fresh crunchy plate of vegetables packed with vitamins – all thanks to excellent water. Water treated specifically for use in the catering and hospitality sector prevents limescale from forming in expensive appliances like combi steamers and ovens, and will prevent blockages in fine micro-nozzles.

BWT bestprotect

Benefits at a glance:

  • Ideal for steam generation in combi steamers, ovens and steam cookers
  • Removes particles, flavour-inhibiting substances and the taste of chlorine from the water
  • Protects expensive equipment and appliances against limescale and gypsum deposits
  • Minimises the risk of corrosion by stabilising the pH value


BWT bestprotect bestprotect

Water Optimisation in Dishwasher Technology

Clean wine glasses
Clean wine glasses
Apart from the quality of food and drink, visual impressions also play an important role in hospitality. Perfect dishwashing results ensure cleanliness, good hygiene and pristine-looking dishes, glassware and cutlery.

Because first impressions count

In addition to the quality of the dishwasher and cleaning agents, water plays a decisive role in the sparkle and perfect appearance of dishes, glassware and cutlery. And, depending on the water properties, limescale deposits and smears can form on tableware to the detriment of the overall presentation to the guest. However, optimised water from BWT will help you create a dazzling all-round first impression.

BWT bestaqua ROC System

BWT bestaqua ROC systems from BWT water+more were developed specificaly for use in the gastronomy and hotel industries. Its unique reverse osmosis technology sets new standards in water optimisation. Equipped with the BWT bestaqua MEMBRANE module, it is highly efficient and produces purified water that is ideal for dishwashing technology and for steam generation for combi steamers or steam cookers, as well as for steam used in baking.
BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC BWT-Bestaqua-14-ROC

Water Optimisation for Water Dispensers

Would you like a nice refreshing drink? The welcoming gesture of offering cool water to guests and visitors is an increasing trend in many industries. Water dispensers are the ideal solution for hotels and restaurants.

Business customers enjoying a glass of fresh water from a water dispenser
Business customers enjoying a glass of fresh water from a water dispenser

BWT bestdrink PREMIUM

The magnesium filter cartridges in BWT’s latest drinking water dispenser remove the limescale, particles and taste-impairing substances from the water while enriching it with magnesium. This process uses water tapped directly from the mains to feed the dispenser.

It’s the ideal way to offer customers and visitors a refreshing drink whenever it is needed, and they can choose water at room temperature, refreshingly cool, sparkling or hot.

bestdrink premium bestdrink premium

Additional Information

For more information on solutions and products for hotels & hospitality, please visit the BWT water+more website.

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