We are pleased to share very exciting news: BWT FUMATECH is going into a historic joint venture agree­ment with The Chemours Company, to accel­erate the speed to market of fuel cell and humid­i­fier membranes for mobility appli­ca­tions such as passenger cars, trucks, airplanes and ships. 

The joint venture – THE MOBILITY F.C. MEMBRANES COMPANY GmbH – a BWT CHEMOURS Company, will be a 50-50 part­ner­ship focused on filling the pipeline crit­ical to advancing the hydrogen economy in the trans­porta­tion industry.
chemours logo
chemours smaller logo
fumetech logo
smaller fumatech logo

At the heart of this part­ner­ship will be CHEMOURS’ inno­v­a­tive ion exchange mate­rials and tech­nolo­gies on the one hand and FUMATECH’s world­wide leading membrane produc­tion know-​how on the other hand. In coming together to combine the best assets and compe­tences of both part­ners, the JV will focus on enabling customers in the auto­mo­tive industry to accel­erate broad conver­sion to hydrogen-​​​​​powered trans­porta­tion.

With this JV we will be ready for imple­menting FUEL CELL TECH­NOLOGY in the mobility concepts of the world‘s future and together with our new partner CHEMOURS, we have all oppor­tu­ni­ties to support our planet in reducing CO2 emis­sions signif­i­cantly. Decar­boniza­tion is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, chal­lenge our world is facing. But we don’t have the luxury of getting there at a slow and steady pace. Moves like this JV demon­strate our commit­ment, and the type of ambi­tion, resource­ful­ness, and deep dedi­ca­tion needed to achieve the world’s climate goals.
With this coop­er­a­tion we will harvest the long-​term invest­ments of both JV part­ners in the H2 and Fuel Cell Membrane Tech­nolo­gies within the JV company THE MOBILITY F.C. MEMBRANES COMPANY GmbH. From 2023 until 2026 we will invest more than 130 million Euro in a new plant located next to FUMATECH in Bietigheim-​​​​​​Bissingen, Germany.
Today, we start with CHEMOURS a very mean­ingful and impactful project for the future of our globe and contribute here­with to BWT‘s mission to “Change the World - Sip by Sip”.
Dr. Bernd Bauer,
Dr. Bernd Bauer,
Our BWT Group company FUMATECH is since more than 28 years an estab­lished player in multiple hydrogen markets focused on membrane manu­fac­turing in the field of fuel cell tech­nology. With this company and the excel­lent staff, lead by Dr. Bernd Bauer, we are a tech­no­log­ical leader in the produc­tion of fuel cell membranes, ion-​exchange membranes for energy storage, and sepa­ra­tion tech­nology.
My special thanks are going to our colleague Dr. Bernd Bauer, who is a bril­liant, unique and world­wide recog­nized expert in this immensely impor­tant busi­ness field – For ALL of us, for our Planet Blue. He has dedi­cated his whole life with unique persis­tence and enthu­siasm to devel­oping the world’s best membranes for the hydrogen economy.
Bernd, we are so proud of you – it is absolutely outstanding what you have achieved and the BWT FUMATECH H2 driven PINK future is just starting.
fumatech building
fumatech building
membrames from Fumatech
membrames from Fumatech
The Chemours Company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, is a global leader in Tita­nium Tech­nolo­gies, Thermal & Special­ized Solu­tions, and Advanced Performance Materials providing its customers with solu­tions in a wide range of indus­tries with market-defining prod­ucts, appli­ca­tion exper­tise and chemistry-based inno­va­tions. They deliver customized solu­tions with a wide range of indus­trial and specialty chem­i­cals prod­ucts for markets, including coat­ings, plas­tics, refrig­er­a­tion and air condi­tioning, trans­porta­tion, semi­con­ductor and consumer elec­tronics, general indus­trial, and oil and gas. Chemours has approx­i­mately 6,400 employees and 29 manu­fac­turing sites serving approx­i­mately 3,200 customers in approx­i­mately 120 coun­tries. Chemours is head­quar­tered in Wilm­ington, Delaware, USA.

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