Eat Healthy, Feel Great

So for one of your reso­lu­tions you’ve decided to eat healthy. You’ve thrown out the take­away menus and taken to Pinterest to find nutri­tious and inter­esting recipes. However it can be diffi­cult to stay moti­vated and all too easy to pick up the phone and order from your favourite take­away. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track.
It’s no good vowing to eat kale with every meal if you can’t stand the stuff instead pick recipes that involve healthy ingre­di­ents you love.  A good way to get on your way to five a day is to make a deli­cious vegetable soup. You can use any vegeta­bles you like but if you’re stuck for ideas here’s a basic recipe to get you started: 


1 medium onion

2 stalks of celery

2 carrots

4 medium pota­toes

2 vegetable stock cubes

800ml Magne­sium Miner­al­ized water

1 tbsp olive oil

½ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 bay leaf

1.       Dice the onions, celery and carrot

2.       Add the oil to a large pot and heat before adding the diced onions, celery and carrots, simmer and stir for five minutes

3.       Peel and dice the pota­toes then add them to the pot along with the salt, thyme and oregano, stir well to ensure all the vegeta­bles are well coated in seasoning

4.       Boil 800ml of Magne­sium Miner­al­ized water, crumble the stock cubes into a heat­proof jug, add the boiling water and stir to ensure the cubes are fully dissolved.

5.       Add the stock and bay leaf to the pot.

6.       Allow the soup to simmer for 20 to 30 minutes until the pota­toes are soft.

7.       Serve and enjoy.

You can of course substi­tute any of the vegeta­bles in this recipe for ones you prefer and change the herbs to suit your pref­er­ences. There’s plenty of room for exper­i­men­ta­tion.

You don’t have to give up your favourite foods to eat healthy, it’s easy to find healthy substi­tutes for a lot of ingre­di­ents for example you can swap beef mince for turkey mince for a leaner Bolog­nese. 

Remem­bering to drink plenty of water can also help you stay on track as being dehy­drated can lead you to feel hungry when you aren’t. Keep a Magne­sium Miner­aliser Filter Jug on your desk to remind you to stay hydrated.

Before too long you’ll begin to feel the bene­fits and it will be even easier to continue eating healthily.


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