BWT Case Study : Baker Street Dental Care Case Study

Baker Street Dental
Dental-Baker-Street Dental-Baker-Street

BWT & Baker street dental care

Drinking Water Solu­tion For Busi­ness

“We use an autoclave repair service company whose local field engineer had told me about the THERO 90 from BWT, telling me that it was the best solution he had ever seen and the water was perfect every time.”


Having been intro­duced to the BWT THERO 9O by their auto­clave repair service company whose local field engi­neer had told them that it was the best solu­tion he had ever seen. 

The dental’s Prac­tice Manager got in touch with BWT and spoke to one of our specialist advisers Steve Pepper who explained that the THERO 90 system is designed to provide high purity water on demand and is the perfect solu­tion for a wide range dental prac­tices and clinics. Further explaining that it can deliver up to 40 litres of high-​quality deminer­al­ized water, suit­able for most auto­claves and bottled water systems used with dental chairs/units. 

About the Company

Baker Street Dental is a 24 hour/7 day a week emer­gency dental prac­tice in London. The Baker Street Dental group was estab­lished in 1973 and has been providing excel­lent dentistry services since then; treating between 200 and 300 people every week.

The team includes a specialist ortho­don­tist, oral surgeon, endodon­tists, implan­tol­o­gist and general dentists. As well as cosmetic dentistry, Baker Street Dental also offers high quality general dentistry for its patients as well as a round-​the-clock emer­gency dentistry services in London.

The Chal­lenge - The Impor­tance of Plan­ning Logis­tics

For a dental clinic, the require­ment of high purity water on demand is incred­ibly impor­tant for the protec­tion of equip­ment, as well as for general hygiene and the safety of patients and staff. Baker Street Dental specif­i­cally high­lighted the need for reli­ably perfect water, with every use, as their focus. 

The Solution - Providing a Flexible Service

Pleased with BWT’s prod­ucts and service offer­ings on ‘paper’, We then arranged with Baker Street Dental a time the following week to visit their premises and to conduct a site survey, which they later commented on as being “extremely well done and profes­sional.”

With the survey completed the prac­tice happily instructed us to supply and install a BWT THERO 90 for them. As a result of the survey and pre instal­la­tion checks we noted the water pres­sure was at times quite low. Whilst the stan­dard product and instal­la­tion would have certainly worked, we were happy to suggest to the client the use of a buffer tank to compen­sate for the periods of low pres­sure. This simple addi­tion ensured the prac­tice the optimum quality and quan­tity of water for their needs. The no cost addi­tion was welcomed by the prac­tice Manager.  A year on and it is still working perfectly deliv­ering opti­mised water econom­i­cally and on demand.  

With the instal­la­tion of the THERO 90, Baker Street Dental fulfilled their busi­ness needs for prac­tical, reli­able and hygien­i­cally safe high purity water that not only serves a purpose for their customers, but is also crucial for the upkeep and protec­tion of their prac­tice and its equip­ment. BWT continues to have regular commu­ni­ca­tion with Baker Street Dental, to ensure the rela­tion­ship remains strong and they remain happy, and if any issues were to occur, are dealt with promptly. 

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